
Fri, 12/20/2024

Research points the way to lifesaving antiparasitic drugs while unlocking a scientific mystery

A breakthrough in understanding how a single-cell parasite makes ergosterol (its version of cholesterol) could lead to more effective drugs for human leishmaniasis, a parasitic disease that inflicts about 1 million people and kills about 30,000 people around the world every year.
Mon, 06/24/2024

Study reveals same genes that can drive cancer also guide neural-circuit growth

In new research appearing in PLOS ONE, Erik Lundquist and colleagues from his KU lab have added new specifics to the role oncogene Src plays in our biology, showing the gene is required for normal development of the nervous system.
Tue, 05/28/2024

KU establishes $11 million biomedical center to advance women’s health using big data

A new grant from the National Institutes of Health will establish a multidisciplinary biomedical center at the University of Kansas to research big data’s potential to improve women’s health. It will fund KU’s fifth Center of Biomedical Research Excellence.
Mon, 05/20/2024

Neurodegeneration Mini-Symposium at KU (Opens in new window)

On Wednesday, June 12, COBRE CMADP and the Adams Institute will host a neurodegeneration mini-symposium featuring a series of short talks by researchers from KU, Trinity College and the University of Catania, Italy. Registration is not required to attend, but those registered by June 10 will be included in a...

Thu, 01/18/2024

Presentation to share PIVOT, a KU patient-researcher advocacy initiative

Hope Krebill, assistant director of community outreach and engagement at the KU Cancer Center, will be discussing “the value of patient engagement in the research process from bench to bedside.”
Thu, 05/25/2023

KU study uncovers new aspect of Ewing sarcoma

LAWRENCE — A team of University of Kansas researchers is helping uncover hidden aspects of Ewing sarcoma, which may lead to the discovery of new cancer treatments. ...

Thu, 04/13/2023

Allbritton gives Adams Lecture at KU

KU's Chemistry Department welcomed its 4th Adams Lecturer on April 13, 2023, as Nancy Allbritton (Frank & Julie Jungers Dean of Engineering and Professor of Bioengineering at the University of Washington) visited campus and presented on "Designing Functional Microdevices for Biomedical Research." Dr. Allbritton was presented with a framed, commissioned...

Tue, 03/28/2023

CMADP PI wins ACS Award in Analytical Chemistry

Susan Lunte, PI and director of COBRE CMADP, is the 2023 recipient of the ACS (American Chemical Society) Award in Analytical Chemistry. ...

Mon, 11/21/2022

Biology faculty members honored by Class of 2023 with HOPE Awards for teaching

Thu, 10/20/2022

$5.7 million NIH grant will fund final stretch of successful 15-year KU initiative

Fri, 08/26/2022

W.M. Keck Foundation awards $1.2 million to KU, University of Chicago team to transform understanding of RNA splicing

Fri, 02/25/2022

Adaptable, at-home COVID testing device developed at KU receives funding boost

LAWRENCE — An at-home COVID-19 testing device developed by a University of Kansas professor is another step closer to hitting the market. ...

Tue, 10/05/2021

With new $11.35M NIH COBRE award, KU center continues fight against infectious diseases

LAWRENCE — The COVID-19 pandemic is an awful reminder of the “perpetual” public health challenge of infectious disease. In addition to emerging contagions, the world also faces a decline in effectiveness of antibiotics for both human and animal health. ...

Media Contacts

Cady Bush

Assistant Director
