Administrative Core
The Administrative Core provides coordination of the overall research effort and administrative leadership for the Center as a whole.
Overall Responsibilities
- Maintain coordination of the Center, the internal and external communications and its activities including monthly research meetings, the annual EAC meeting and symposia, seminars, special topic workshops and the annual RPPR.
- Organize and coordinate with External Advisory Committee and Core Steering Committee members, post-award management and university administration.
- Provide administrative oversight and direction to the Core Labs and Pilot Projects Program, and arrange career and research guidance activities for junior faculty investigators.
- Provide overall financial planning and budget management for the COBRE, as well as interactive, mentored budget monitoring and oversight for Pilot Project investigators and Core Directors.
- Position Core Labs to assure sustainability subsequent to the end of Phase 3 funding by means of an expanding client base and revenues coupled with a smooth transition during Phase 3 from COBRE support to institutional support from the KU Office of Research.