The Center for Molecular Analysis of Disease Pathways (CMADP) is a NIH Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) created in July 2012 to encourage basic research scientists to develop and implement new enabling technologies for the study of biological pathways and processes related to disease. The Center's Administrative Core provides coordination of the overall research effort and administrative leadership for the Center as a whole. In addition, the Center features three research core facilities:
- the Genome Sequencing Core (GSC) for next-generation sequencing technologies, experimental design and analysis of sequence data,
- the Synthetic Chemical Biology Core (SCB) for design/synthesis of small molecules and peptides (especially fluorescent and other tagged molecules) and bioassays of molecular probes, and
- the KU Nanofabrication Facility (KUNF) for the production of nano/microfabricated devices for biomedical, biophysical and bioanalytical research.
The Center is organized and directed out of the Ralph N. Adams Institute for Bioanalytical Chemistry in conjunction with KU's Department of Chemistry. CMADP is directed by Susan M. Lunte, Ralph N. Adams Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Chemistry and director of the Adams Institute for Bioanalytical Chemistry. Dr. Lunte is assisted by Co-Investigator Erik Lundquist, a Professor of Neuroscience in the Department of Molecular Biosciences and an expert on genetics and the use of model organisms for the study of neurological disorders. Assisting these investigators in guiding the progress of the Center are the External Advisory Committee (EAC) and steering committees for each core facility.
Specific Aims
Aim #1: Continue to grow the number of investigators in basic and biomedical sciences focused on the overall theme of molecular analysis of disease pathways through our COBRE Pilot Projects Program and through outreach efforts to expand our Core Labs' client bases.
Aim #2: To support researchers by providing CMADP-funded Pilot Projects grants and vouchers for the services and facilities available through our Core Labs.
Aim #3: To maintain our Core Labs’ state-of-the-art capabilities so that they can continue to grow by adding new clients and the technical staff needed to serve them.
Aim #4: To develop a viable plan, based on a combination of institutional support plus revenues generated from user fees, that will sustain the Core Labs for the long-term.